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Manufacturing state-of-the-art equipment since 1985


Wire Marking Systems

M100JA Air Dry Inkjet M100JA

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M100JA Air Dry Inkjet M100JA

Relevant Industries

  • The M-100JA is a fully automatic, computer controlled, high speed ink jet wire and cable marking system. This new and unique wire processing system is the first in the industry to integrate an in-line plasma pre-treatment system. This proprietary plasma device not only enhances the quality and durability of the mark, but it also gives the M-100JA the ability to print on almost any wire insulation material, including fluropolymers (Tefzel, Teflon, etc.). This unit is Air-cooled and can be used for any application that is not required to adhere to MIL-SPEC standards.


M100JA Data Sheet

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