Why Crimping Is Better Than Soldering for Wires

Not sure which method is best for connecting cables to cable and/or terminals? There are actually many different techniques to consider, including wire wrapping and filler metals. However, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, along with the required equipment and tools. Read on to learn why crimping is better than soldering wires, especially for more industrial applications.
Soldering involves the use of heated metals to join two or more wires. The “solder,” or heated filler metal used in soldering, quickly cools and hardens after application, creating a strong connection. It’s important to note that soldering is not the same as welding, a process that directly heats the connecting objects. Interestingly enough, the practice of soldering is believed to have originated 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.
Crimping is conducted using a manual or automatic crimp tool, which effectively installs a connector to the end of a wire. After placing an unattached connector and exposed wire into the crimping tool, the device bonds the components, allowing for air-tight connection to other cables. Automatic crimpers are useful for more industrial applications, as they can crimp larger quantities of wires quickly and efficiently. Plus, these tools significantly reduce physical labor.
Crimping is a superior method of connecting wires compared to soldering for many reasons. Mainly, solder joints are less mechanically durable than non-alloy joints. Additionally, high-quality crimps are better at preventing moisture exposure to metal wires, which can cause corrosion. Lastly, it’s easier to connect wires to terminals with crimping than soldering. When it comes to commercial and industrial applications, we highly recommend crimping over soldering or even wire wrapping.
Understanding why crimping is better than soldering for wires can ensure your business invests in the right equipment. Check out our crimping tools and accessories sold here at Tri-Star Technologies, or contact our friendly team for more information regarding crimping in industrious applications.