Laser Types Used for Pill Marking in Pharmaceuticals

Did you know that medications require specific labels and codes to meet rigid FDA regulations? How exactly do manufacturers get indelible markings on their drugs without damaging the product? Read on to learn more about the two laser types used for pill marking in pharmaceuticals.
The Food and Drug Administration sets strict standards and regulations for the pharmaceutical industry, especially with over-the-counter medications (tablets, capsules, etc.). Mainly, the FDA requires all over-the-counter drugs to feature imprint codes. Along with the pill’s size, shape, and color, an imprint code provides essential information regarding dosage, brand, and medication type.
They might seem insignificant, but these identifying markings save countless lives every single day. However, certain pills (such as capsules) aren’t suitable for traditional pressing and engraving marking processes due to their sensitive materials. Instead, non-contact lasers are used to ensure indelible markings without damaging the pill. Additionally, this process is accurate, efficient, and sanitary.
The first and most commonly used pill marking process in pharmaceuticals is UV “cold” laser marking. This is because, unlike fiber and MOPA lasers, UV marking machines create clear and accurate imprint codes without destroying the material of the capsule. Instead of etching, the UV laser changes various properties of the exposed surface, like its color, and produces imagery, words, or numbers. In fact, cold laser marking processes are so delicate that they’re often used for marking glass materials and electronic microchips. Furthermore, the chemical changes do not create harmful ionizing radiation.
Green lasers (532 nm) are even more sensitive than UV lasers (10-400 nm) and are applicable to highly sensitive materials. Specifically, green lasers produce successful and clear markings for plastics and silicon. As another form of non-contact marking, this process is also exceptionally sanitary. While very accurate and effective, green laser machines are quite expensive and often unnecessary. These devices are more commonly used on precious metals and electronic components.
These two laser types are commonly used for pill marking in pharmaceuticals because they produce quality results efficiently and consistently. Your business can benefit from this technology, too—check out our selection of pharmaceutical laser marking machine devices and related products today at Tri-Star Technologies.